Introducing the first 4. The kittens are from a family breeder that was hit by panleukopenia. Several kittens have already passed away and few kittens remain on the site.

One cat at a time took a total of 10 kittens yesterday. Introducing the first 4. The kittens are from a family breeder that was hit by panleukopenia. Several kittens have already passed away and few kittens remain on the site. @les_aristopattes asked us for some help since we’ve already had cases of panleukopenia in the past and most likely every kitten in this house will be sick in the next few days. So we accepted 4 kittens. The lady was going to sell the cats to a pet store so that the pet store could resell them, but the family understood the kittens were at risk of being seriously ill, she decided to give all the cats including adults including 2 pregnant cats. More than one organization is caring for the cats. Once again towe work as a team for animal welfare.

Here is Odin, Ulrick, Sven, and Astrid! The 4 kittens are a little fearful, but they are starting to purr. They really like wet food. They have a good appetite so for the moment if their appetite is good everything is good. They have formed stools and we are not worried about their condition at the moment. They are in quarantine for the next few days! We ask you not to ask us to adopt them. If they carry the panleukopenia disease, we are talking about a deadly virus with a very low success rate. We’ve already rescued kittens from panleukopenia 1 time in 2019 and once in 2020, but it’s not without stress and difficulty for the team!

We can’t be believed that in 2021, pet shops still profit by selling animals at exorbitant prices without knowing the environment in which animals lived or even their health history. You can say that accepting all these kittens saved them a disaster! said,

Odin, Ulrich, Sven, and Astrid💜 have been hospitalized since last night. If you remember their story, they were rescued from a family breeder with a panleukopenia epidemic. Several kittens have already died. We took the 4 kittens in knowing full well the risks and being prepared for the worst.

Everything was fine for the first 2 days and then, in the afternoon, the kittens started to lose their appetite. By the end of the day, they were getting worse and worse… They had white gums, loss of appetite and they were lethargic. So, we rushed to DMV-Nord to have them evaluated. Given their condition, and knowing how panleukopenia can kill a kitten in less than 24 hours, we decided to leave them at the DMV so they could receive some care that we could not give. After talking with a wonderful Vet, we came up with a plan: have them hospitalized for 24 hours and start IV fluids and medication, then transfer them to the founder who knows how to do the required treatments for panleukopenia. The 3 males seem to be responding well to the treatment already, but the smallest of the siblings, Astrid, is not eating and is worrying the Vet a bit more. said,

This is the look of a panleukopenia survivor.💪You got this Astrid! 💞✋

Guess who is allowed to get out of isolation? The siamese cuties! 🙏😻

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