The breeder was going to have him euthanized and the employee saved his life (kitten Thor) ! 1 We were contacted because, according to the breeder, the kitten was crushed by its mother.

We were contacted by an employee from a vet clinic to take care of a 6-week-old kitten. The breeder was going to have him euthanized and the employee saved his life! We were contacted because, according to the breeder, the kitten was crushed by its mother. He has spinal abnormalities and he has a leg that seems to be affected, it looks like it is dislocated 🙁 We don’t know yet if it can be repaired, but he doesn’t have any neurological problem at first glance. He uses the litter box and seems quite comfortable! What we’re worried about is the long-term life for him… We want to make sure that in the long run, he won’t have more serious problems. So we made an appointment with Dre. Arburn, owner of Médecine Vétérinaire Bistouri et Tournevis at the Centre Vétérinaire Laval. She is a specialized surgeon and she will be able to tell us if it is repairable and if not, she will be able to make a plan to improve his condition.

This is our second purebred cat this year and our fifth since 2018. It is obvious that we give priority to orphan and stray kittens. We still make room for kittens with special needs. We sometimes refer them to partner shelters if they have room!

Thor is a Savannah F4 kitten. He will become bigger than a domestic cat and for this reason, we absolutely want to make sure that the little one won’t have any problems when he grows up. He also deserves that we don’t see him as a defective item to be thrown in the trash. He is very playful. He also purrs very easily. He wants to live and he deserves it!

So, we need your help to provide care for Thor. We need people who believe he deserves a chance. We need people to see him as a living being and not as an item with a profit to be made. We’d like to have $600 for his consultation and tests on July 28, 2020.

If you believe, as we do, that Thor deserves care, make a small donation today.


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I’m sexy and i know it said .

Thor meeting the specialized surgeon. @_bistouri @centreveterinairelaval

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