Breaking: 6 Players Ejected for Anthem Kneeling “They are not going to learn”

In a shocking turn of events, six players were ejected from the game for committing the heinous crime of peacefully kneeling during the national anthem. Apparently, the powers that be have declared that a silent gesture of protest is more offensive than a blatant disregard for fair play.

One can’t help but marvel at the foresight of those in charge who believe that removing players from the field for expressing their views will magically make them see the error of their ways. Because nothing says “learn your lesson” like forcibly silencing athletes who dare to use their platform for social justice.

It’s a refreshing reminder that in the realm of sports, conformity is the ultimate goal, and deviating from the norm, even in the pursuit of justice, is a cardinal sin. Who needs free speech when we can have a sanitized version of athletic events where dissent is met with immediate expulsion?

In this riveting tale of authoritarian athleticism, we witness the birth of a new era – one where taking a knee is a greater offense than any unsportsmanlike conduct on the field. Because, clearly, the lesson here is that if you want change, do it quietly, and certainly not on the sacred turf of the sports arena.