Frozen in Fear For Days Stray cat is So Appreciative when Someone Stops To Help

Because he had nowhere to go, Capone decided to camp overnight under cover next to an office building. The two-year-old stray cat was scared and lonely, and he was wondering how long he would have to wait in a garbage heap until somebody came to his help.

Fortunately, several onlookers saw, saving the day—and Capone’s life.

“The workers across the street from where he was found started seeing him for a few days,” Meagan Licari, rescuer from Puppy Kitty NYCity, told The Dodo. “They said he wasn’t moving from his exact same spot and was so terrified he would barely eat.”

Capone may have been scared, but he immediately let Licari pet him as he meowed with gratitude.

He was obviously not a street cat, Licari said. He had infected ears and was fully matted.

Licari had just a dog carrier for supplies, but she wasn’t going to leave Capone behind. She gambled in the hopes of bringing Capone to safety.

He quickly rushed into my lap and cried out for affection, according to Licari. I was aware of his fear, therefore I thought it was fantastic. He is an absolute lap kitty and the sweetest, gentlest guy.

When Licari helped Capone, she felt surprise and relief that he willingly walked into the carrier on his own.

“There is no better feeling than seeing cats go from laying in a pile of garbage to living in a fancy apartment in NYC,” Licari said. “It’s what inspires me to keep going.”

After Capone’s rescue, he happily settled into his new life, where he no longer has to lay on the unforgiving outside ground.

“Now, he is doing amazing,” Licari said. “He has since been adopted and is living a pampered life.”

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