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In a groundbreaking move that left the nation collectively scratching its head, the prestigious Society of Pompous Pigeons has declared pigeons the official rulers of the urban jungle. Yes, you read that right – pigeons, the feathered overlords we’ve been unknowingly bowing to every time we stepped out of our apartments.

In a press conference held on a conveniently pigeon-filled park bench, the society’s spokesperson squawked, “It’s time we acknowledge the true power players in our cities. Pigeons have been expertly navigating the concrete canyons, outsmarting humans with their aerial acrobatics for centuries. It’s high time we recognize their brilliance and appoint them as the rightful monarchs of our metropolitan landscapes.”

Citizens are now expected to offer breadcrumbs as a sign of allegiance, and failure to comply may result in covert, beady-eyed surveillance from the new rulers above. Pigeon-themed fashion is on the rise, with the latest trend being extravagant feathered hats and coo-inspired accessories.

As a symbolic gesture, public monuments are being transformed into grand pigeon perches, and park benches are being replaced with bird-sized thrones for our esteemed feathered leaders. In a surprising twist, bird feed dispensers are now considered the height of luxury, attracting pigeon elites who conduct their important meetings over a gourmet feast of scattered seeds.

In the midst of this feathery frenzy, one can’t help but wonder – will our cityscapes soon be adorned with pigeon statues, and will our national anthem be replaced with a harmonious cooing chorus? Only time will tell in this quizzical tale of avian ascendancy.