Two Kittens with Special Needs Help Each Other Learn to Walk

When Shelby was browsing Craigslist one day she spotted a listing that was giving away two kittens with special needs.

She was a kind lady that had often fostered kittens so she wondered whether she would be the right person to take them on and give them the help they needed.

After making contact via email she received a video showed her how the kittens moved around. Well that was it, Shelby knew she was the one that could give them a chance at a better life.

When the. kittens arrived at her house, now named Haiku and Sonnet, she could see that their little back legs  resembled flippers, but this didn’t stop them getting around. They managed to tear around the place getting up to all sorts of fun.

Shelby was surprised at their mobility, they didn’t seem to mind that their legs weren’t working properly, they weren’t aware that they were different from other kittens.

Their zest for life and nonstop antics made her laugh, she realized they had completely stolen her heart

After a trip to the vet she discovered they both needed emergency surgery to give them a chance of survival.

The joints in their back legs were abnormal and the bones were incomplete. It would be a long process, they were lucky that they had each other and of course Shelby.

These delightful kittens then took Shelby’s breath away as she watched them improve and saw the way that they helped each other grow up strong.

Watch the video to see their progress:



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