When A Young Boy Is Having A Meltdown A Cat Immediately Knows What To DO

Everyone needs a companion in life who will be there for them when they need them the most, a friend through thick and thin.

Jayden Denton made a new companion in the form of Kitty, a cute gray kitten.

Being a boy with special needs, Jayden is prone to feeling overwhelmed at times, leading him to have occasional sensory meltdowns. It can sometimes make it difficult for Jayden to relate with others.

“My son has sensory processing disorder, and other issues,” Tonya Denton, Jayden’s mom, told The Dodo. “When he gets overloaded, or doesn’t understand, he has outbursts of crying and is inconsolable.”

That is, until his family rescued Kitty.

The most of the time, Kitty seems to be a fairly typical cat: lively, inquisitive, and not averse to fits of rowdy disobedience. But Jayden’s mother soon learned about Kitty from a whole unexpected angle.

It turned out that Jayden needed the cat the most at his most difficult moments. When Jayden’s emotions run high, Kitty is the exact opposite of frightened away.

Tonya remarked, “We started noticing Kitty usually rushing up to him during breakdowns. “When he has a meltdown, Kitty kisses his head to calm Jayden down. Only by doing this has Jayden been able to relax.”

Jayden’s family had tried everything to help put him at ease in moments like those. But nothing ever worked quite like Kitty.

“This cat has changed everything,” Tonya said. “To see their bond, as his mother, is not just amazing, but special to see such a crazy cat come to him in his times of need.”

It’s like it was meant to be.

Jayden benefits from the cat’s presence in his life in ways more than just at the most difficult periods. He appears to feel more grounded in a world that could otherwise feel isolated just by having Kitty around.

It’s like they can understand each other, Tonya remarked, adding that Kitty makes her kid happy. It makes me pleased to know that my son has a best friend.

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