Woman Мeets Нomeless Мother Сat Аnd Тhey Вecome Рregnancy Friends

The animal rescuer and animal lover Laura Maners made the decision to take some time off from work when she was expecting her child in order to have everything ready for when the time came for birth. She had no idea that on the exact day she made her choice, she would run into a cute cat who would win her heart.

After having breakfast away from home, the woman and her husband were riding in their car when they spotted the helpless, wounded cat left by the side of the road. As soon as Laura’s husband saw the animal, he stopped to assist it and found that in addition to suffering some injuries, the cat was also pregnant.

Laura stated to The Dodo:

“I knew she was messed up and also kind of connected to her because we were both heavily pregnant. I managed to catch her by luring her to me with our leftover food and wrapping her in my jacket, and we took her to the vet.”

Dove the cat was adopted by Laura and her husband after a trip to the vet to ensure the safety of the kitten and her young. When the two searched for her, they learned from locals that she had been a stray kitten for a considerable amount of time.

In order to help the prospective mother and her kittens find a permanent home where they would be protected forever, Laura made the decision to breach her rule at that very time.

In a short time Dove was comfortable in her foster home and enjoying the company of her new mother, they became great friends and shared everything around their pregnancies that were close to delivery.

Laura tells:

“She followed me everywhere I went, and she loved sitting outside with me in the mornings in our fenced-in area and letting me rub her belly while we ate breakfast together.”

Dove apparently went into labor when it was time for Laura’s baby Kylie to be born. When she got home from the hospital, she saw a cute litter of kittens waiting for her.

The mother cat gave birth to six adorable kittens, and Laura was thrilled to see her next to them and proud of herself for being able to give birth practically simultaneously with the mother.

Added Laura:

“When my daughter was 5 weeks old, she first saw the kittens when I brought her there to help me feed and care for them. The kitties were quite interested in my daughter.

When the kittens were mature enough to begin a new chapter in their life, they found their forever homes. Even Dove went to her permanent home, where Laura and her daughter Kylie could occasionally stay in touch.

Added Laura:

Fortunately, the mother cat moved in with a friend of mine, so I can still get updates on her. Several of the kittens also moved in with friends of mine, so I’ve even been able to see them.

Laura is happy that she broke her rule of not taking in any pets during the end of her pregnancy; having Dove around and living together was a beautiful and enriching experience.

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